
Free vitamins

FREE vitamins are available for all pregnant women, new mothers and children up to the age of four in Hackney and the City.

If you live in Hackney and the City or visit your GP here, you can claim your free Healthy Start vitamins simply and easily by visiting your local children’s centre or pharmacy.

Why are vitamins important?

Vitamins are essential nutrients that your body needs to maintain good health. Although we can get lots of vitamins from a healthy balanced diet, this is not enough for young children, new mums and pregnant women.

Healthy Start women’s vitamin tablets contain:

  • folic acid: prevents complications or birth defects when taken during pregnancy
  • vitamin C: for healthy tissue in the body
  • vitamin D: absorbs calcium and supports your baby’s bones to become strong and healthy

Healthy Start children’s vitamin drops contain:

  • vitamin D: for strong bones and teeth
  • vitamin C: for healthy tissue in the body
  • vitamin A: for growth, vision in dim light and healthy skin

If your baby is formula fed they will not need extra vitamins until they are drinking less than about a pint of formula milk a day (500ml or about 18 fl oz)

How to collect free vitamins?

Simply complete this registration form and bring it to your nearest Children’s Centre strategic hub or community pharmacy in Hackney and participating pharmacies in the City of London.

For a list of the over 30 pharmacy locations distributing in Hackney and the City, visit NHS Choices.

Every 8 weeks, come back for more!

Vitamins are suitable for vegetarian and halal diets, and free from milk, egg, gluten, soya and peanut residue.

Free milk and vegetable vouchers

You may also be eligible for free vouchers for milk, fresh and frozen vegetables and infant formula. To apply for vouchers, pick up an application with your health professional or sign up for the national Healthy Start scheme.

Contact HENRY

07519 109876