Welcome to Homerton Health Visiting Service

The Homerton Health Visiting team work with parents who have new babies, offering support and informed advice from the ante-natal period until the child starts school at 5 years.  They are usually based in children’s centres, GP surgeries, community or health centres. Health visitors visit parents through a minimum of 6 universal contacts from late pregnancy through to a pre-school assessment at 3 and a half years. These visits are usually in the home, but the health visitor may invite you to your local clinic.

Families from all walks of life may need support for specific issues that affect their children’s health and development, so the actual service provided to each particular family will vary according to a personalised assessment of their own needs and evidence of what will work for them.

We will be able to see you, your new baby or child and discuss with you any of your concerns. At the same time if you need to speak to a member of the health visiting team please contact us.

Parents: You can contact the Health Visiting Team on: 0207 683 4151

Professionals: You can contact us on :huh-tr.hvrapidresponse@nhs.net


Your child and getting the right care at the right time

Your wellbeing

Who we are

Health Professionals