Oral health

Looking after children’s teeth is very important and needs to begin early when your child is still a baby. Your health visitor can advise you on how to begin this process.

Dentist visit

As soon as their first teeth arrives and before their first birthday, make sure that your child visits the dentist. The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry recommends a dental check by age one.

This is important for getting your child used to the dentist and building their confidence, and also to check for any problems. The dentist can give advice on avoiding problems in the future – tooth decay is preventable.

Free treatment

NHS dental treatment is free for children under the age of 18 – find your nearest dentist.


As soon as the first teeth appear parents should start brushing their children’s teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. The NHS has some helpful information on brushing children’s teeth.

Food and drinks

Healthy eating is important for a healthy body and healthy teeth. Each time we eat or drink sugar the plaque bacteria produce an acid that attacks the teeth and leads to tooth decay.

Reduce the amount and frequency of sugar and avoid any sugar in between meals.

From six months old, bottle fed babies should be introduced to drinking from a free flow cup and aim to move away from bottle feeding by one year old. Always ask a doctor or pharmacist for sugar free medicines.