Ante-natal contact
To provide ante-natal care to look after you and your baby
Multidisciplinary team including; midwives, obstetricians, GPs, maternity support and health visitors
GP surgery/local hospital

Blood spot test (heel prick)
To test for 9 conditions that include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease.
Midwife/health visitor
Carried out at home. If you are new into the UK or new to the area please contact your health visitor to discuss the blood spot test.
5-8 Days

Health Visitor New Birth Visit
To assess that mother and baby are well and to introduce the Healthy Child Programme
Carried out at home
10-14 days

Newborn Hearing Test
Early detection of any hearing problems – ideally to have the screening in the first 4 weeks
New Born Hearing Screening
Babies with a GP in Hackney or the City can go to Homerton Hospital and local health centres
0 - 3 Months

Health Visitor 1st family support visit
Extra support for first time parents and those who may require additional health visiting support
Various locations including; home, clinic or Children’s Centre
4 weeks

1st development review
To assess that your baby is developing well, review feeding and maternal wellbeing
GP and health visitor
GP Surgery, Baby Clinic, Children’s Centre
6-8 weeks

1st primary immunisation
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by a practice nurse at your local GP surgery
8 weeks

2nd family support visit
For those who may require additional health visiting support
Carried out by your health visitor at various locations including your home, clinic or Children’s Centre
3-4 months

2nd primary immunisation
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by the practice nurse at your GP surgery
12 weeks

3rd primary immunisation
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by the practice nurse at your GP surgery
16 weeks

2nd development review
To review your child’s social, emotional and physical development.
Carried out by your health visiting team at a Baby Clinic or Children’s Centre
10-12 months

4th set of immunisations
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by the practice nurse at your GP surgery
12 months

Nasal flu vaccination
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by the practice nurse at your GP surgery
2 years onwards

3rd development review
To review your child’s social, emotional and physical development.
Carried out by your health visitor (and Early Years staff if your child is in an Early Years day care setting) at a Baby Clinic or Children’s Centre.
27 months

4th Development Review
For those who may require additional support
To review your child’s social, emotional, and physical development and school readiness.
Carried out by your health visitor at home, at a Baby Clinic or Children’s Centre.
3-3.5 years

5th set of immunisations
View the NHS Vaccines Timeline
Performed by a health visitor or practice nurse at your GP surgery or Baby Clinic
3 years and 4 months

Health review
To support your child’s transition to school if your child has additional needs or if required.
Carried our by your health visitor or school nurse at nursery or school.
4-5 years