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Shining a light on the 27 Month Integrated Health Reviews


NEW – Beyond Birth

A workshop for expectant parents supporting them in their transition into parenthood

  • Introduction to Health Visiting and available community services
  • Parent / infant relationship
  • Infant feeding
  • Practical tips and skills
  • New born behaviour
  • Safe sleep
  • When to seek medical help
  • Myth busting

We are offering online and in person workshops.

Click HERE to register.

New infant feeding sessions and peer support groups

Through Hackney’s Children and Family Hubs, NCT are now delivering infant feeding sessions and peer support groups in Hackney. The NCT offer is for mother-to-mother support strengthening community networks via emotional support and shared experiences. Benefits of peer support include enhanced confidence building and shared problem solving.

Please refer to the link below for dates and times of the infant feeding support groups in Hackney:

Staying well this winter

Winter Vaccination Campaign

Flu vaccination for children

The children’s flu vaccine is safe and effective. It’s offered every year to children to help protect them.

Flu is caused by the influenza virus. It can be a very unpleasant illness for children and can lead to serious problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Children can catch and spread flu easily. Vaccinating them also protects others who are vulnerable to flu, such as babies and older people.

If you are a parent of a child aged 6 months to 4 years who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination, you will be invited to attend an appointment at Richmond Road Medical Centre in Hackney.

You can also find a list of pharmacies offering the flu vaccine here.

To book your vaccine please visit:

Christmas Toys

With Christmas soon here parents are busy shopping for Christmas presents.

Here is some really helpful guidance about choosing the safest presents for your babies and children from The Child Accident Prevention Trust. Toy Safety | Child Accident Prevention Trust (

Some of the biggest risks to children are toys with button batteries and toys without the British Safety Kitemark or the Lion Mark from the British Toy and Hobby Association. These toys are often toys bought online and shipped from overseas.

Top tips for individual toys – Remember what may be appropriate for your older child may be a choking hazard for your baby or toddler.

Cot toys, cot bumpers and cot nests are all very cute. But they’re best out of your baby’s cot. The Lullaby Trust’s advice is that ‘the safest cot is a clear cot’. This reduces the risk of head-covering and other accidents.

Noisy toys such as cap guns can damage hearing. Never allow children to hold them near their own or anyone else’s ears.

Slimes and putties can cause irritation, diarrhoea, vomiting and cramps due to an excess use of boron in the ingredients. A Which? report in 2018 showed that more than 40% of the slimes and putties on sale at Christmas time failed the safety standard for toys.

Kites should not be used near overhead power lines. If a kite gets caught, the electricity can travel down the cord and cause serious injury.

Laser pointers can be powerful enough to damage central vision if shone into a child’s eye. There’s no way of knowing how strong a laser pointer is, so keep them away from children.

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Visiting Family at Christmas

You may have baby and toddler ‘proofed’ your own home, but visiting with friends and family at Christmas will need you to to be extra careful. Christmas decorations, lights, baubles, drinks, nuts and sweets are all on display and very exciting to little explorers.  Unfamiliar pets, furniture, blinds, unlocked cupboards can make this a really stressful time for parents visiting family.  Being vigilant and aware is the safest way to protect your child.

Remind yourself of the potential risks, keep them busy with safe toys and ensure they are supervised at all times and Christmas should be safe and enjoyable.

Child Safety Advice | Child Accident Prevention Trust (